[研討會] 2024 Plant Hydraulics Methods Workshop





2024 Plant Hydraulics Methods Workshop, July 16-20, Highlands Biological Station, Highlands NC

Potential Topics

Sample collection, storage and preparation

Leaf Pressure-Volume curves and measurement of leaf water potential Measurements of hydraulic conductance and conductivity Measurements of xylem vulnerability to embolism

Whole-tree water use: sap flow and eddy covariance methods Active xylem staining

Optical dendrometry

The workshop will be held at the Highlands Biological Station (HBS; hSps://highlandsbiological.org/). All housing and catered lunches and dinners will be covered by the workshop funds and up to $700 in travel reimbursement will be available to all attendees. There are full kitchens in each housing unit where attendees can make breakfast, coffee, etc. and there is a grocery store that is less than a ten minute walk from the station.